Yachts are without a doubt one of the finest types of recreation that mankind has come up with. Imagination immediately draws a snow-white beauty somewhere on the Cote d’Azur: the sea, the sun, freedom!

But then the majority sighs bitterly and forgets this dream, considering it impossible. The reason is the myths that create an opinion about yachting in two extremes – either the “sea wolves” are fighting with the waves and the wind somewhere in the harsh seas or the multimillion-dollar “Abramovich yachts.”

The golden mean is cruise sailing yachts, which have become a favorite vacation for millions of people around the world.

Having dispelled myths, you will love yachts, just like us!

Holidays on a yacht – are expensive

You will be surprised, but a week of sailing is comparable in value to a 3-4 star hotel. If you reserve a place in a cabin or rent a yacht for a company of 8 people, then you will spend from 300 euros per week for accommodation.

Only you will receive not just accommodation, as in a hotel room, but also the opportunity to see the country from the sea, which you have never seen. Every day new cities and bays, restaurants and shops, castles on the mountain and nature reserves are waiting for you, and you will never see a cleaner sea near tourist centers.

Need your own yacht

Almost all maritime countries of the world have charter companies leasing a yacht. The cost, depending on the season, type and size of the yacht – from 1800 euros per week, which, you will agree, is available even if you travel together, not to mention the company of 6-8 people. Fully equipped with everything necessary for life and sailing, insured for any unforeseen event, your yacht will be waiting for you in any region where you wish.

Let’s not be cunning, everyone who goes sailing under the sea has a dream to buy their own yacht. But this is a completely different story.

Need captain certificate

To control a sailing yacht, you need skipper certificate. There are two ways out – to take a three-week training course, or, more simply, hire an experienced captain who has traveled a hundred seas, knows every bay in the navigation region and can not only develop a route, but also show a restaurant with the best cuisine on the coast, tell about history and traditions , conduct a tour, teach sailing yacht management skills.

If you still decide to undergo training, we will be happy to help!

Captains School

Not comfortable rest

The myth of the difficulties of traveling on a yacht is associated with several factors – the weather, layout of the yacht and pitching.

Weather. When planning any trip on a yacht, first of all, the optimal time is taken with a comfortable temperature, calm sea and a “running wind”. Swimming takes place near the shore – it’s so interesting, and you can always hide in the bay with strong winds and waves. Even in the hottest months on a yacht it is cooler than on the shore – a sea breeze cools you.

Layout of the yacht. Modern cruise yachts have everything you need for a comfortable life for weeks and even months: electricity, hot water, a toilet, a shower, a fully equipped kitchen. Yacht cabins are not as large as hotel rooms, but, as a rule, they only to store things and to sleep there. The most interesting thing happens in other areas: in the wardroom inside the yacht or in the cockpit upstairs, where the whole team gathers for briefings, breakfasts, lunches, dinners or just to chat.

You can read more about life on a yacht in notes “Life on a yacht“Sailing yacht”,“Catamaran”

Dus ting and seasickness.

For some reason, everyone is afraid of seasickness, even those who have never has a seasickness in airplanes, cars, or pleasure boats. This is not to say that there is no problem, but it is too exaggerated. Even with the sea, the sailing yacht does not rock on the waves – the keel and sails balance the yacht. On two-hull yachts – catamarans, the pitching is felt less due to two floats. Travel time and route are chosen so as not to fall into a storm, and in case of strong excitement, go to a protected bay.

Over the centuries of navigation, little tricks have been invented to overcome sea sickness – water with lemon, ginger or a glass of cognac helps. During the course of the yacht it is better not to sit in the cabin, especially since it is boring there, but actively participate in the management of the yacht, and 100% cure for motion sickness is to stand abaft the wheel

Yachting – is dangerous

We talked about storms and weather above – yacht tours are planned so that the weather does not present unpleasant surprises. Other dangers on the yacht can be easily overcome by observing the minimum safety rules: do not stand aft when turning, so as not to hit the boom on the head; choose comfortable non-slip shoes and be careful when rocking and heeling so as not to fall overboard; buy protective gloves so as not to wipe the skin on the hands of the rope; protect yourself from the sun.

Read more about the correct equipment in the section “Preparing for a sailing.”.

In the event of force majeure, an insurance company helps to solve the health problems, and the coast guard in the yacht regions works very clearly, and according to the maritime tradition, all passing vessels are required to provide assistance.

Boring to be at sea all the time

Contrary to popular belief, cruise yachts rarely keel over in the open sea. Swimming along the coast is more interesting, more comfortable and safer.

The route was planned so that there were no long sailing and enough time was left for local sightseeing.

Something constantly happens on board and vacationers are not just passengers, it is a team that is actively involved in managing the yacht: waste from the berth, work with sails, turns, moorings. During the voyage, instruction and training of the team is necessarily carried out – from safety to rescuing a man over board.

Almost every day, the yacht makes stops in the marinas of cities and towns, where you can find restaurants, discos, shops and other entertainment.

Lots of travel difficulties

That’s to solve this problem and our agency exists. Of course, you can organize everything yourself, like any trip. But it is easier, and often cheaper, to take advantage of the experience of a travel company.

You choose the time and region, and we select or develop a route, book a yacht, hire a captain, arrange insurance, buy airline tickets, arrange transfers and arrange all documents.

See you on board!